I woke up this morning and the Lord told me: "Be still and know that I am God." I knew it was scripture and looked it up. Psalm 46:10
This brought me peace. And every time I felt like I was getting worried or upset by something, I meditated on this scripture and it brought me peace today. It's been a restful day.
This afternoon I had thought of the scripture once more, when shortly there after, my phone rang. It was our Rep. calling to confirm our appointment with her tomorrow at the model home. However, she brought other news with her as well.
Apparently the developer has decided to discounts some of the lots again. Since we are under contract already, we weren't included. Our Rep didn't think that was fair and went to bat for us with her manager and they went to the developer. She told me when we come in tomorrow for our meeting, that we needed to decided how to use several thousand dollars in FREE UPGRADES we are getting because of this.
WHAT!!! She didn't have to do this. We would have never known!! But she did. And now, the amount is enough to cover the Morning Room we wanted but couldn't afford.
Wait. Did my heavenly Father just give me a free room? One I had wanted but didn't even pray to him to ask for? He truly knows the desires of one's heart!
God is sooooo Good!!!
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